, Learn Netiquettes and improve your online personality | FUNSMS94

Thursday 12 April 2012

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Learn Netiquettes and improve your online personality

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Learn Netiquettes to improve your online personality

Wondered what is Netiquettes? Well here is the answer. Netiquettes is nothing but Internet Etiquettes. The way you appear in online world and manner of behaving in the online world is known as Netiquettes. Netiquettes is same as general Etiquettes. How you chat, how you write an official mail indicates your personality. So improve your online personality by learning these basic Netiquettes.

This post about Netiquettes will surely improve your personality in social networks too.

Here we will concentrate on how to write and post your messages and also how to behave in mails.

So let’s start and learn the basic Netiquettes.

Avoid Capital Letters.

Never use capital letters in your statuses, mails and also in messages. Because writing in capital letters indicates that you are shouting or yelling to them. This indicates that you are angry. So Never use capital letters. Only use whenever it is necessary.

Limit the use of Emoticons.

Emoticons are our best friends. They are cute, beautiful and also very helpful to us for expressing our feelings. But too many emoticons in a single sentence will surely make your friend angry. Limit your emoticons in the sentence. Use only two emoticons in a sentence. It will look clean and nice. Do not use it more than two. And also don’t ever think to use emoticons in the official mails. It is treated as bad manners.

Limit the use of Acronyms.

LOL, BRB, WTF!!!  These are all our short codes of telling something. But from now you should limit that. Because you know the full forms of that acronym but what about your friends and who reads it? So everyone is not aware of that chat slangs so when you use it, make sure that you also tell what it means whenever asked. If anyone asks you the meaning or full forms of that you should able to tell them. Also don’t use such short forms in official mails too.

Be calm.

Don’t shout at anyone in chat rooms or personal chats. Be calm and make the decision twice what are you writing and what are you going to write. Chatting and online messaging are the best because you can think what to reply and how to answer the questions. Make sure that you don’t bully anyone in chats or in comments. This nature will surely put a star on your personality in online world as well as real world too.

Don’t write in short forms.

Don’t use SMS words in chat, posts or in forums. Because again people may not understand this short forms. So always write in full letters, it is also easy to read and also improve your online personality.

Respect Everyone.

This is important. We should respect all the people in forums or in chat rooms. Never try to pull their legs. Never use slangs and abuse people. If you respect others, people will also respect you. Same as Newton’s Third Law. Give respect and take respect. This will surely improve your personality in online world.

So, what are you waiting for? Implement these things in your routine and see how your personality improves. Both in Online world as well as Real World.

If you know more Netiquettes then please let us know by the comments.





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